LWDXG – Lake Wettern DX Group Rotating Header Image

oktober 2nd, 2015:

Announcement of Dxpedition to Myanmar ( XZ )

Derek-G3KHZ, Hans-SM6CVX, Nils-SM6CAS, Ulrika-SM7WYN and Eddy-K5WQG will
activate 3 NEW IOTA groups in Myanmar, namely AS-182, AS-183 and AS-184.Probably also one more group, yet to be considered.

Activety will be between 15th of February and 15th of March  OR 15th of April until 15th of May 2016.

All domestic logistics like transport between these groups and equipment are already arranged through our local tour agency.

We intend to stay 6 days on each Island group and operation will be in CW,SSB and RTTY.

Call-signs will be released on a web-site that will be constructed in January.

Kind regards
Hans  SM6CVX